Artist Statement

When we look at visual art, a painting, embroidery, photo, etc. We look for things we can relate to, this makes the artwork more personal. We feel more connected and engaged. We create our own narratives and we find meaning within its images. My work in a way is a puzzle. Made up of different sections including portraits, figures, landscapes, objects, and symbols. These fragments jumbled together, play with the idea of narratives and how we create connections through visual imagery. My process involves experimenting. It changes as I explore new materials and techniques. Fiber art, hand embroidery, painting, drawing, and printmaking are some mediums I have been experimenting with.


Melissa Fice attended Fleming College in Haliburton, Ontario, where she studied general arts. After graduating from Fleming, she attended OCAD University in Toronto, Ontario. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in drawing and painting. During her studies at OCAD University, she participated in the Awenda Inspired Exhibition at the Slaight Student Gallery. She also exhibited work at the 103rd Graduate Exhibition. Her work has been published in Praxis, OCAD University’s drawing and painting catalog. Since finishing her education she has participated in multiple group exhibitions. She has shown her work at the Super Wonder Gallery in Toronto, ON. She now showcases her work at various markets and conventions.